
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena - Californie (USA)
Contractor: Busch Industries Inc.
 Space Frame: Uskon - Achievement: 2013

   California Institute of Technology – North and South Wilson Parking Garage
Solar Panel Support Sytems - A Design-Build Solution in Steel

Afin de réduire ses coûts, le California Institute of Technology s'est doté d'une centrale solaire de 1.3MW dans son campus de Pasadena.
Deux des principales tables sont installées sur une structure spatiale située sur des parkings, et procurent en plus des places ombragées sur une surface de 6 700m2.
Au final, un beau mélange d'ancien et de nouvelles technologies.
Par ailleurs, ces nouvelles installations devaient s'accomoder de constructions anciennes de 15 ans et des modifications des codes de construction et des règlements sismiques.
Le choix d'une structure spatiale a donné la flexibilité et a permis de d'ajuster les différents paramètres afin de satisfaire aux règlements actuels, tout en minimisant le coût de la rénovation.
Le résultat de ces contraintes est deux structures attractives qui respectent les règlements actuels et permettent à Caltech de réduire son empreinte carbone.
   California Institute of Technology – North and South Wilson Parking Garage
Solar Panel Support Sytems - A Design-Build Solution in Steel

In their continuing efforts to reduce their 
utility costs, the California Institute of Technology has added a 1.3 MW solar panel system to their campus in Pasadena.
Two of their largest arrays sit atop steel space frames placed on parking garages, providing some additional shaded parking under their combined 67,000 square feet. The final product is a beautiful example of how to blend existing structures with new green technologies.
The university had a number of challenges facing them with this project. These two parking garages were built over 15 years ago and the building codes have changed considerably since their construction. Utilizing a steel space frame gave more flexibility with design and allowed many factors to be adjusted during the engineering phase in order to adequately satisfy the existing codes, and minimize the costs of renovation.
The result was two beautiful structures that meet the current California code requirements and aid Caltech in further reducing their carbon footprint. 

North bldg South bldg Details
Photos - Plans (cliquez pour ouvrir le document)

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